Beginner Looking For Set Up Advice!

Hi all, 

I'm excited to have gotten my first pair of new speakers, the B&W 606 S2! My Dad and my Brother both have 603s and I love the sound, so I thought these would fit well in my apartment. I'm having trouble finding a stereo receiver or integrated amp to pair with the speakers. Although I understand some audiophile lingo, it can all be somewhat confusing and overwhelming so I thought I'd ask for some advice.

What would be a decent, under $1k piece to power the speakers? How much power do these need? I would want it to be able to stream music, whether through airplay or some other system (Spotify connect, etc), and also work with my TV setup including a 4k blu ray player and an Apple TV. I would consider adding a CD player or turntable later on. 

Currently I've looked at the Denon PMA 150h, Marantz PM7007, Marantz NR1200, Yamaha R-N303, and a few others. 

the ps audio sprout is a very good rec for you--it's got a phone stage, dac, etc. and is the kind of piece you'll always find a use for. its small size (and price) are big plusses. the outlaw 2150 or 2160 is also a keeper esp. if you can find one used for $500-600
Hi all,

Thanks so much for your informative replies! It seems like there are many good options - I was originally leaning toward the denon or marantz because of convenience factor of them having airplay etc (being a millennial and all...), however it seems like some of the other options may even provide a better sound.
The place I got my speakers has a peachtree decco 125SKY open-box for $599. If it’s still available should I just get that? 

If you are able to switch your TV to PCM output, the Peachtree Decco 125SKY would meet all your needs.

The price seems great - does it come with warranty? Can it be returned if necessary? 

I would want it to be able to stream music, whether through airplay or some other system (Spotify connect, etc), and also work with my TV setup including a 4k blu ray player and an Apple TV.

These requirements make it a tricky solution.  If you absolutely need this type of thing, the only option is a mass market AVR (av receiver).  Or maybe your 3 initial choices (marantz / denon / yamaha).

The Outlaw RR2160MkII stereo receiver is likely going to be the best sounding integrated from that list based on the $1k price point.  However, it doesn't support the spotify/streaming stuff.
It’s from Best Buy - hoping they still have it but I think they may it was only weeks ago  and it’s not a product the typical consumer is looking for lol! 
I’ll ask about the warranty - I know it doesn’t have the remote, which is fine. Peachtree sells the remote for $30. 
As for the TV, shouldn’t it work if I connect my video sources to tv via hdmi then run a optical from the tv to the peachtree? Thanks!