DCM Time Window 7 - AMP & PREAMP

I’ve Found out that I’m the owner of 1 of only 200 pairs of DCM TW7 speakers ever made.
I am running 2 Carver A500x amps in mono block mode into these speakers. The speakers are rated at 700W max into 4 ohm. The Carvers in Mono Mode are 800W.

My question is …does anyone else have these speakers and what kind of amp are you using, and what are your thoughts on the DCM Time Window 7?
And to the Tube AMP experts I ask, how many watts would be appropriate for these speakers? They are efficient at 92DB, but they're still power hungry.

I am thinking of introducing a Tube PreAmp into my system and take the Denon out…any suggestions for something under 1k?

My system:
Denon AVR 3300, Emotiva XDA-1, Rotel 991 AE, (2x) Carver A 500x, DCM Time Window 7.

I've absolutely loved my TW3's with a Sansui AU-719. It was supposed to be my "backup" system while my all-tube system was being worked on. Now I listen to the DCM almost exclusively.

Anyway, if someone in the SF Bay Area has Time Window 7's, I'd love to just listen to them someday. PM me; I'll bring beer and good records or something, hah.
Bought my DCM Time Window 7s on a 40% off whim when Incredible Universe went out of business in about 1996. I've kept them thru Yamaha to Rotel to Classe electronics(CP800, CA2300)and they just keep sounding better. Full range response, tight bass, super clear, with tons of space between and around the individual instruments and vocals.

After 18 years with these beauties I'm getting the itch to change. Thinking about a side-by-side with some B&W 802s and Wilson Sophia 3s at the local high end shop. 5x the $, so it'll be very interesting to do the blind test.

Anyone done a similar comparison?
Great thread - I've owned my TW7's since new many years ago. Currently using them with a 12 watt Unison Research SET amp and love them... I'm sure there may be better out there, but the pairing with the tube gear is sublime.
I am looking for a pair of TW-7's.
I was a vendor to the original DCM in A2. My company provided the Black RTV Silicone that sealed the drivers and the caps. We all called it the "Black Goop".
I currently have an original factory purchased set of TF-600's and TW-1's.
I love the 600's but have been dying to get my hands a set of TW-7's. If anyone would like to part with theirs or knows of someone my email is jfteske1@hotmail.com.

I recently purchased a pair of T.W.7's at an auction. I live in an apartment and I can not use them here without angering my neighbors. I will be selling them. They work perfectly and sound great.