Best Sounding USB Cables?

Due to a system upgrade, I need to go to a longer USB cable than the 0.7m Phasure Lush^2 that I'm using. Before I order another longer Lush, are there any other USB cables $500 or less I should consider?
I have found that solid core cable is best for USB. As for solid core copper, or silver plated solid copper or solid silver, these are different flavors. Which tastes best will depend upon what electronics is at either end.

You don't have to spend enormous amounts of cash as very good solid core cables can be found at very reasonable prices.  

I currently use Sablon Audio USB from my 432 Evo Aeon to Holo May KTE Dac with a remarkable difference over a few others I’ve tried .
First noticed with well recorded vocals there is a realistic timbre , a living presence with vocals that is astonishing where other USB cables , popular cables from Germany, USA and Australia bleached this astonishing level of timbre out of playback. I demonstrated this repeatedly to family members and a friend , everyone heard the difference's .
Currently I do not understand what’s going on , why the other cables so obviously bleached out this much more human sounding timbre.

If I kept one of the other USB cables and did not try the Sablon Audio I would never of known just how good my server is .
I highly recommend sablon USB cable. The cable was revised last year and is the best USB cable I have tried so far
Curious cables.

Because you’re curious, your level of personal curiousity will influence the increase in performance. Quantum mechanics at the level of electrons has been unfounded by the uncertainty principle. Therefore, incremental boosts in performance are possible.

Burn them in for about 2 hours using only this song:
Curiosity - Carly Rae Jepsen

To be honest though, the curious cables look like they were designed by the man in yellow hat; and built by Curious George himself.
There’s nothing that influenced the out come with what we heard , I’m mature enough not to fall for any preconceived expectations or any sort of juvenile notions , And certainty nothing was discussed prior to listening I simply asked what vocal sounds the most realistic. 

Another point I like to make the cables were purchased randomly then simply listened to in the system ..The results were repeatable among family members whom could care less for this hobby and a audio friend whom appreciates a great recording.

 Like I said I would of never known how good my server actually is if I stayed with either one of the other USB cables ..