Don't get it, why anyone would ask others "what sounds best"?

As a relative new comer I still continue to wonder why 'audiophiles' continue to ask for opinions on what sounds best. Best sounding amps, best sounding speakers, best sounding cables, and on and on. Everyone has their own opinion, why don't you people put on your ears and listen for yourself and decide what sounds best to you?
It's easier for you to listen than me. That make sense?

Then I can narrow down what I want to listen to for a final test drive.. 

The older I get, that approach is starting to make REAL good sense to me. VERY little I will ever buy again anyway.. Room treatment.. pretty low cost items vs improvement dollar spent.. My gear less repairs.. I'm done.. Crazy good deals I don't pass up.. Mac gear is a real passion of mine. Slow running women too.. :-)
«Dont give a fish to a man, even a big one, teach him how to fish...»-Anonymus

Dont give a man an upgrade, teach him acoustic....

I must admit, MC usually has a good answer for most things, somehow quite adept at going other places too. ohm, you in addition are quite good at the conundrums. It is easier for me to listen, but alas it's still with my ears. Rarely does the poster narrow the field by mentioning 'I like the sound of XXX  power amplifiers, or XXX speakers really sound good to me. The only way it can work is as if the poster and the responded know what each other prefer. I just couldn't justify spending thousands of dollars on a consensus. Guess you could always sell it and start again. 
P.S. ohm, from reading your post, we have some similarities. Your opinion could matter to me now I know a few of your preferences. ;)
I just attempted to post a wonderful, generous reply on this forum but Windows cruelly whisked it into cyber oblivion. Aaaak!