The best cost no object tube DAC

Hi agoners,

I just upgraded my system from Mcintosh MC75+C22 amp/pre to Accuphase A-250 monoblocks with C-3900 (right now still using pre function from a loaner E-650 while waiting for C-3900 to arrive). Source is Kuzma XL DC for analog and Cary DMS-600 for digital (Used to be dCS Bartok but I didn’t like it for the price compared to my dirt cheap Cary DMS-600 which I bought pre owned).

The sound quality is night and day difference between my previous setup and the latest one, I have no regret at all as Accuphase is the only SS brand that can tickle my fancy and made me a convert from tube to SS. However, I have to admit that I still miss some tube signature on my music, particularly in the mid range department. I originally wanted to use tube preamp instead of Accuphase C-3900 but I didn’t want to take a risk at this price level of equipment and ultimately decided to just stick with one brand in the power and control department, I also want DG-68 in the future, an ultra high end digital voicing equalizer from Accuphase and it’s full functionality is only possible with Accuphase to Accuphase combo.

The big question is, if I really want to add a bit of tube sound properties on my system, does it make sense to do it from the source? In this case the DAC? If that will work, what would be the best tube based DAC at cost no object level and is Roon Ready? I considered Lampizator but have no detailed informations about it. The website is a bit confusing to me.

Thanks in advance for any advice 🙏
Cost no object I would by a used Dave and the balanced TBP.V1.   
Just me.
I don’t claim it’s the best but it’s one of the best: Nagra Classic Tube Dac.
uwiikz: I own a Lampizator Golden Atlantic since two years. I am very, very happy with it, it is musical and detailed. I mainly listen to classical music and it is fantastic, with it and with all other ones.
I sincerely recommend it.
Regarding your requirements and as you do not have any problem with cost, the Lampizator flagship model: Pacific is Roon ready or Roon bridge or the way that you want to call it and offers WiFi and Ethernet connectivity.
They offer a 7 days trial period although I do not know if this is worldwide.
I have only heard a few DACs. 


I would pair it with an Innuos Statement music server

I did hear these two together and thought it was outstanding

Good luck with your search

Jim Perry