Brandnew WADIA Decoding Computer

Has anybody had the chance to audition the brandnew WADIA 9 Decoding Computer System?
I wonder is it a downsized 790?
I´ve compared 861 to my former AA Capitole MK II and to my current DV-50 S - the Wadia is the only of the three which combines superb craftmanship, musicality and reliability. AND: the ARC is inferior in every aspect to the AA. Could Themadmilkman please explain what exactly he´s heard???
My current system: Jeff Rowland Synergy II i / Ayre V-5xe / Ayon Seagull Ceramique / DV-50 S (modded). I guess good enough to judge that the 861 is still a remarkable product.
Could Themadmilkman please explain what exactly he´s heard???

Simple. I find the Arc to be sublime, inviting, and a pleasure to listen to. I find the Wadia to be flat, uninvolving, and overpriced. But this is simply an opinion based on my listening preferences. I certainly have no concern for what anyone else likes or purchases. But in the test system (ARC Ref3 --> Theta Dreadnaught --> Vandersteen 5A) switching from the CD3 to the 861SE seemed to pull the life and passion out of the music. Was it a question of synergy, listening bias, etc.? Who knows, I can only comment on what I heard, and in my mind the CD3, at least in the system used, is superior.

I do admit, however, that Wadia makes some of the best looking gear in the industry. I wish that more companies would try and imitate that aspect.
According to Steve from GNSC the new dual mono dac is a improved version of the 790.Wadia has pulled out all the stops and has even improved the technology from the 790 and made the whole package more affordable. I still find 27000.00 just a hair over my budget, but I hope that the technology will filter down into lesser models that mere mortals can afford!!!If you have the dough,I would go all the way !!Have fun drooling-Dennis
P.S.apparently this unit is already modded by the factory and uses the best parts.
$27,000 is alot of money but it will cost even more to find optimal interconnects to hook everything together. Scary!