Pure tube phono preamp

Any excellent sounding, quiet, all tube phono preamps under 10k for low output mc carts?  
Hi Stu!

Thank you so much for doing that experiment on my behalf, in regards to the tube rush from your phono stage.  That was very kind and thoughtful of you to do :)

Your speakers are very interesting indeed.  I can sense your love of music!  You and I have that in common.  I am also a musician... playing both the tenor and bass trombones in jazz venues and my Montagnana cello in classical settings.  Music is great for the soul :)

Thanks again for your experiment!
Best Wishes,
@three_easy_payments.You need a reading comprehension class.

Millercarbon said the Decware would require a SUT or step up transformer.

Why do you hate.

Can’t we all just get along?
Not sure if this qualifies, but the http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/tron2/seven.html Tron Seven is a great sounding Phono preamp that works well with even 0.1mv output. I'm using it with a Hana Umami Red (0.4mv). It's just that the looks are very boring so I ordered an Icon Audio PS3 MK2 signature :-)