Speaker Thoughts - YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 vs Magico S5 MK II

I own Magico S5 MK II Speakers and love them but curious what the YG folks think? I have never heard the YG Speakers and am curious what folks think. I have heard good things about YG. A little better dynamics and bass but would love some others feedback. 




128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Only rockport lyra of those 3 has a metal cabinet speaker. Interested in more comparisons between metal cabinet speakers.
When I started with thread I owned Magico S5 MKII speakers and loved them.

 I knew they were fantastic speakers but for me and my evolving my taste I wanted to consider other options. 
Only after owning multiple pairs of Magico’s over a few years had I leaned that a speaker with a little more bite and rougher edges may be more to my liking. A little less polished and polite speakers. 
Now the Magico is only polite compared to a more raw and brighter speaker and I don’t think it can be called polite unless compared to a such a brash speaker. That is why I considered YG. I found YG - Magico and even more so with Rockport are all refined and sophisticated musical devices. 
I found I like the sound of the French Focal better. It’s a more raw - needs taming type of speaker as it can be ear bleed bright if not matched up properly. The others really will never be too bad. I found Focal to be easier to drive with quicker stops and starts and much hotter. The tweeter can be brutal but also when tamed with a tube DAC or tube preamp and matched with excellent solid state output power I find to be the perfect sound for me. 
Now I guess the Magico M series is a more raw and transparent speaker like this but way out of my price range. I never owned a Focal speaker before and ran into them by accident. I know the build quality of Focal is nothing like the others but I only need them to be built well enough to be good sounding speakers and to last so long like 20 years or so and not built like a Magico or YG to last a thousand years. 

I found Focal speakers paired with Ypsilon electronics to be my cup of tea.
very interesting story, fsmithjack - thanks for sharing. 

i know exactly what you mean by polite. i chose YG over Magico as i find them more alive and microdynamic, but certainly can still hear some of what you speak about. 

@ keithr
So you think that a Be tweeter is more ’polite’ and less resolving than a Silk dome??
Not the impression I get when I compare the two.