Transparent cables Recalibration prices out of this world

If you are not the original owner, prepared your wallet because depending on the model do you have it they charge up to $1,200.00 plus shipping cost both ways just to be recalibrated. I understand they have to charge it but boy  $1.200.00 it's insane.
@mikemeeks, thank you for clarifying this. I would assume a Bryston amp paired with B&W 804 speakers isn’t exotic enough for this to mean my Transparent speaker cables need anything special. However, I may need an aluminum foil hat. It’s supposed to be better than one made from tin.
Used most all of the cables mentioned here...MIT REV series from Joe Abrams actually does what they are supposed to do...huge holographic soundstage with tremendous detail and dynamics plus lifelike tone and textures from instruments!  Free 30 day will not return them.
They do not even start to calibrate until you reach the REF level. That is around 7.5k retail for speakers cables. 
I purchase used REF Phono MM2 from a dealer here. 
the recalibration was free from the dealer. 

The real custom calibration where they calibrate from the source to the next component is at REF XL
At this level they custom make the terminals to match your components...and line up the network boxes as well. .also this speaker wire is now 14k. 

So... what level where you getting re calibrated?