Speakers good for close to wall placement

There are quite a few speakers I would like to purchase, but I need to be realistic. I will need to find some speakers that perform well when placed close to the rear wall. After that choice I can move on to selecting the proper integrated amp to drive them. Any suggestions on which speakers work well near the rear wall?
// Full Disclosure - I work for manufacturer //

The Ostinato Monitor has essentially two full sets of cross-overs allowing for both near to wall and far from wall placements.  Provides some future-proofing if/when you have need to place somewhere else. 

Anything without a rear port really... $ for $ I haven't heard anything better than Sonus Faber Sonetto's yet - I have the VIIIs - the port is on the bottom of the tower.
If you are looking at LTA check out Daedalus Muse highly efficient and front port works well with close to wall placement.  I purchased this summer.  Lou is very helpful during the process and they are gorgeous speakers.

Muse Speaker | Mus Speaker Daedalus Audio
Troels Gravesen designed a speaker for near-wall placement called the Bookshelf-3WC.

Its sensitivity is rated at 90 dB/2.8V/1 meter.

Check it out.