Best Hi-Res Audiophile Downloads Top 3

1. Carmen Gomes Inc., Thousand Shades of Blue( Sound Liaison)
[url]Sound Liaison[/url]
2. Doug MacLeod, There's a Time (HD Tracks)
3. Keith Jarret, Live at the Blue Note(ECM/HD Tracks)

I actually think that maybe the new Sound Liaison album from Andre Heuvelman, After Silence also could be no.1 or 2,but one album per label is maybe enough.

What is your top 3 ?
Good review.
I only want to ad that the Sound Liaison recordings sound beautiful as well as realistic. 
Talking about Sound Liaison getting good reviews. Check this one!
This is some of the best sounding drum sound I have ever heard on a recording. Very dynamic and not reserved. The sound of the double bass is full, rich and powerful where needed but with no hint of bloat. And the guitar.....It is clear and reverberant. Naturally, not with added reverb. Of course, the vocals are captured beautifully. Carmen is right there in front of you. This recording doesn’t take you to the recording studio. Even better, it brings the recording studio to your listening room. Very few studio recordings do this. The drums to the left, Carmen in the middle in front of the instruments and the bass just to the right of her and the guitar to the right side of the soundstage. The sound is totally three dimensional. You almost feel like you can reach out and touch everyone. The sound is totally open with natural decay and depth. It is stunning. It really is. No hyperbole.
The album is on introduction sale for few days more;
Sound Liaison are having a stacking sale at the moment. Great chance to ad to the collection. Tip start with the ''One Mic" recordings.