Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
holy moly, nothing like a cat question to lower the maturity level of this board even further. i'm with chadnliz. the comments on this board can be less mature than the comments on a youtube girlfight video sometimes, it's amazing.

as to your question, cocoabaroque, other than what a few of the previous people have said, i found it's easiest to go with on-wall speakers in our family room. i have a set of gallo reference avs that sound amazing with a sub and they are absolutely cat proof.

the other thing i suggest would be to just buy whatever speakers you like and get an extra set of grills to pop on when you want the speakers looking their best (company coming over, etc) if something ever does happen to your everyday grills. i would also cover the tops with something, though. some of the brands i can think of that sound great and have fully-coverable drivers (many of which are high up on the speaker so that the grill doesn't extend all the way to the floor) are: vienna, proac, totem, usher, and devore.

and one note about "declawing" a cat to anyone who might consider doing that, it's a very vicious thing to do to a cat - it's basically chopping off the last segement of their paws in a very unprecise way. sometimes you crush the last knuckle, sometimes they get a bit of the middle bone... it's not a nice thing to do.
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Try some stuff called Feliway. I had a cat pizzing on my leather couch. Sprayed this stuff....she hasn't been up there since. Spray it around your speaks..not on them.
so much responcses and nothing concrete.look for bigge ror even better for smaller yg acoustic named kit-kat or kit-pod(not remember exact name at the moment) in silver finish. their sound is not veiled, they have very unusual and unfortabile top up to level not to even consider jump on top(from cat perpective), a anodized aluminium is very resisitive to scrach if any and is worst material which can actract to sharpen his nails.

good luck
Lets talk ""MINE FIELD"".......yes,surround the speakers with mice traps for the first wave,then a Catapiller battery set on some chicken wire for the second wave and finally(you will like this one) a infrared laser light trigger that when breached sets off a ultra high pitch that will send all animals a running!!!!!!!
OR Train it to stay away