Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
Echo response from James63. Get a good scratching post, sprinkle some catnip on it every now and then, and your kitty will ignore your speakers.
In ceiling or in wall speakers. Do you want great sound or the joy of cleaning the litter box? Got it yet?
Chadnliz how did you ever get the John Wayne comment as killing cats!!! Where is your mind? When was the last time you saw John Wayne or any other celeb past or present killing a cat?? You put way to much darkness into this thread. Killing cats is the point - REALLY!!!!!!!
Get a short tempered parrot. A friend has one that the cat agitates, while it's in the cage. When the bird is out, it's payback. The parrot chases the cat out of the room, under the bed, then the cat wants outside. So a watch bird might work.