Cartridge options going forward

As much as I hate to admit it, my Lyra Etna is getting a little long in the tooth. I really look forward to listening to music with this cartridge but the amount of money they get for it has reached the point where I want to consider a more fiscally responsible alternative. I have owned a Kleos and Skala before the Etna and while the Kleos is good, it is not an Etna.  Any ideas?
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The Low output, low impedance version really only makes sense if you have a current mode phono amp. Otherwise, most people will be happier with the higher output version. 
What are some examples of a "current mode" phono amp? I believe my PS Audio Stellar phono amp has enough gain for very low output cartridges. It is as good as Fremer's review states and does not appear to be overmatched by the Etna.I have taken mijostyn's advice and ordered the Ortofon Winfield Ti cartridge. I will more than likely send the Etna back to Lyra to be rebuilt/upgraded to the Lambda design standard output when the time comes. It will be interesting to compare the two.The low output Audio Technica cartridge that Raul recommended is back ordered to January. I appreciate everyone's collective experience and input. Fiscal responsibility is a challenge in this hobby. ; )