Match for Naim UnitQute under $3,000

I recently purchased a Naim UnitiQute for a second system and am looking for a good speaker match under $3K. I've been running my ProAc D28 with them, but they need to go back to my primary system and are not the best match anyway (power hungry). I like the ProAc sound, but am looking for something a little more efficient yet as full range as possible (monitor or full size OK).

Higher efficiency than the PRoac D28 without trading off low-end extension will inevitably call for a bigger box... that's just the way the laws of physics shake out (enthusiastic marketing departments notwithstanding). Often a floorstander takes up no more real estate than a stand-mount while offering better bass at a comparable cost once stands are factored in; in fact the D28 is a good example of exactly that!

I'm not expecting to match the D28 in extension, I simply mention it as a reference to what I know.
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I read a lot of good things about Guru QM-10s with the Qute on the Naim forum not long ago. I haven't heard them, but what people had to say about them made me want to. On the other hand, some of the claims (especially about full-range sound from very small monitors) did sound suspiciously like "enthusiastic marketing."