Looking for tonearm inspiration

I just bought a used SME 20/12 turntable that is about 15 years old.  I also had a used 

Dynavector DRT XV-1s rebuilt/are tipped.  Odd as it may seem, there was no tonearm with the turntable.  I have yet to identify what the phono stage, but listening so far suggest a Sutherland Loco (still open to alternatives).  There must be many out there that have had experience with the SME 20/12 turntable and perhaps a few that have had experience with the SME/Dynavector combination.  Can you suggest a tonearm that had some magic for you with either bit of gear?  Wide range of music: Rock, Jazz, Female Vocal and a bit of Opera from time to time.

@atmasphere  : "   you are simply attacking for the joy of it. "

"  My answers are very specific. "

Really?. Where is that " specific answer " not to all question but at least for the one I posted:

""  many arms? which tonearms and after how many number of years?  "


"  " SME deals with the reliability issue by having physically larger bearings. So their arms tend to have more friction..""

SME ? where are the facts that can prove it.  "

You not even honor the words you posted.

Dear @chilli42 : If you do not pull yet the triger for the tonearm then you can add to your alternatives this one that’s really good :


chilli42, leave all that other junk behind and get yourself a Schroder LT. If you can't afford that one I suggest the Schroder CB. Otherwise the Triplanar , 4 point and Reed arms are excellent followed by Origin Live arms. SME's are no longer available. Other arms are just iterations of the same old tired design.
rauliruegas, who singed your back side? I understood Atmasphere just fine. I did not under stand you. You need to get some Maalox and relax.
@mijostyn : here people say: " even what you don't eated makes you sick "

Good for you to support some one that has not any single fact that can prove his words that degraded the SME extremely well regarded " name ". :

"   SME deals with the reliability issue by having physically larger bearings. So their arms tend to have more friction..""
