Anything like an Altec Model 19

I'm smitten by the M19, but can't find one near DC. Is there anything else like an M19 that I should consider, which may be easier to find?
Pi speakers, at the risk of a pedant crucifying me.

If I were you, I would rent a van if you don't have very large vehicle and drive to get 19s.
I was looking a Pi Speakers; but they are very dear (in price) and I can't find any reviews or an audition...

I suspect I will eventually rent a van to drive to M19s, but first I need to find some for sale. Not much out there right now: I think I missed a pair in Boston.

I thought maybe A7 instead but they are significantly larger.
There is a lot of good word over at audio asylum in the high eff forum and in looking at all the info Wayne presents at his website, it appears they are the real deal. Doesn't of course in any way compare to actually having heard a I suspect you have with the 19s.
Right, having heard some Model 19s, I can see how some Pi models might be close; but they also seem really pricey. It bugs me when manufacturers -- even the small guys, who I tend to prefer dealing with -- give a per single speaker price. Ugh: hate that.

I think maybe there's a Yamamoto Sound Craft model -- YS 500 -- that has a big woofer and a horn that might be similar to 19s. But I can't imagine where I could find to audition those, either.
The Model 14 is a better approximation of the Model 19's voicing and presentation than is the A7, in my opinion.

PiSpeakers are excellent, and I consider Wayne Parham to be one of my teachers. The reason for the per-speaker pricing is that a lot of people buy three, with home theater in mind. I have a pretty good idea of the cost of the components Wayne uses, and his profit margins are quite modest.
