Recommendations for fast sounding cables

I've recently acquired a SEP amp based on kt88's and while it presents well in many ways it lacks the speed of my push-pull and ss amps which is typical.  Thus I'm looking for some nice and well rounded sounding speaker cables (non-biwire) and interconnects (single-ended) that excel in speed, tempo, PRAT, whatever you wanna call it to try to get some of the head nodding and toe-tapping back.  Transparency, detail, open soundstage are basic requisites as well.  I would also consider maybe changing out my psu umbilical cord, usb, and digital coax.  I understand that this will likely involve some or all silver in the makeup of the cables, and while I like a lit-up sound- an overly bright anything will usually get quickly replaced.  The budget is not high at $100-$300 new or used but may make considerations for something exceptional that fits the bill. I've gathered that some of the following may work- please feel free to comment on those as well, but I would also like to get some more suggestions.  Thanks!

Mapleshade Double Helix
DH Labs Silver Sonic T-14
Signal Cable Silver Resolution
I agree with the amplifier points. SS was more your speed. Maybe try a higher guage speeker cable. Also try the upgrade on the power cord. Nordost blue heaven is on all of my components. Try before you by otherwise you will be going down the rabbit hole. Go 10GA on the speaker cable. If it works upgrade to something you like. 
Check out Audio Art cables.I've used them before in another system and they may be exactly what you're looking for.They are not expensive and have a thirty day trial in case they don't work out.
I'd recommend starting with a used SOTM or Sonore model and see if that moves you in the right direction. 

I think taking care of your digital front end will yield the most results for the elements you are looking for. It's amazing how much more complete the music sounds. 

After that you can spoil yourself with some cables ;)
At your price point, I'd also suggest Amadi Maddie Signature, Darwin Silver or Darwin Ascension.  They are all silver cables and really transformed my system from good to very good.  They allow you to hear deeply into the mix with great detail but no harshness.  I used several of their cables in a second system after spending quite a bit more on my primary system.
