HELP-Maggie IIIa's are crackling at high frequency

I have newly refurbished IIIa's. The refurbishing was done by a trusted third party tech. I noticed the high frequency once before when using my Nuera 3300pp integrated but only on ONE record so I chocked it up as a flaw in the record. But just this weekend I went up to a AR V70 power amp and an AR SP-6b pre and its more prevalent than ever. I am not a "loud" listener and I here this "crackling" on the high end of classical female vocalists the most. I have read that people push the maggies as far as to blow the fuses before they get any distortion. This amp combo sounds like it would blow me away but I can't hear past the distortion! Any advice would be awesome and much appreciated, Thank you.
Sonorous1: If you think the Maggies are ok, then I still suspect the amp may be clipping. I am dubious that 62 watts at clipping is enough power for the Maggies. I suggest that you borrow a high power SS amp from a friend or a friendly dealer and try it out. Crank up the volume and see if Maggies still crackle. If not, then you solved the puzzle.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.
I didn't realize the amplification power you were using. I would say that the IIIa's need about 300w in 4 ohms to sound good, and more than that, good amplifaction, will sound even better.

A good digital switching amp form Wyred4Sound or Bel Canto, will amaze you.

Well, if the speakers really are OK.
Thanks for all the responses. I am going to go back to the drawing board with speakers. I value my amp and pre amp combo over the magnapan IIIa's.
Sonorous, have you isolated the problem to possible clipping? If not, what have you come up with?

Good luck.
The amp is definitely clipping. The speakers are in beautiful shape. So now I am trying to find a speaker that will best compliment my amp and preamp. I would really hate to change them at this stage. I went through a lot of trouble finding them and having them professionally gone through, let alone the time and money spent selecting tubes. The issue I am having is with the 10% percent of my music collection that is classical/opera with wide dynamic range and sustained high frequencies that easily make the amp clip. The Jazz sounds wonderful.

So now I posted a new thread to pick even more brains as to what speakers I can fuse with my amp combo and not clip the amp (if any at all) or anything else I can do to my large listening room that will make it so I needn't ask the amp for more power.

Maybe I am asking too much from one system?

Thanks for the advice thus far, learning as I go!