Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
I use a Denon CDR-W1500, which is a dual CD recording deck. The main thing I use it for is making excellent CD copies of vinyl records and other sources (tapes & radio). It has digital inputs and outputs (optical & coax) and has a 24bit DAC.
I run it alternately through a Sonic Solutions DAC for listening. The built-in DAC is very good but i prefer the external unit because it is very warm and pleasant.
Sony SCD XA5400ES. I also have a McIntosh, and Arcam, and previously the Ayre CX7e. All are good, but I only listen to the Sony. It is phenomenal.
SONY DVP-NS 305 of about 10 years old, the good thing is it operates flawless and plays DVD s as well , expensive cd players are a waist of money in MY opinion with maybe the exception of mark levinson and zanden audio.
EAR Acute Cd Player with Nos Siemens, in my researchs it is the best affordable cd player which close to analog. The best I listened is the mbl transport+dac gear. It was nearly better then most of the analog setups I have ever listened.