KEF Reference 5 vs. B&W 802 D3 speakers - which one better? your knowledges & opinions

I'm considering buying KEF Reference 5 or B&W 802 D3 speakers. I currently have McIntosh MC2152 power amp and C70 for preamp. Which one of these set of speakers will give me the best sounds. Please share and enlightened me as much as possible.  No recommendation for other speakers.  Tell me which one is better sounding.  Much appreciated.

what ARC tube amp you did used before? And what’s the current Krell model you’re using now?  Im interested in solid state too and not sure if its can improve the sounds over my current set up (MC2152 and C70 with the Cambridge Audio Azur 851N DAC/streamer).  
Yea this speakers holographic soundstage is amazing.  I feel like im immerse in the concert and actually hear those instruments and vocal in front and music around me.  Glad i chose it over the BW. 
Kentrent-It’s been a while since your KEF Reference 5 speakers arrived.  I know you were very anxious about whether you would like them.  Wondering how you’re feeling now.  I hope you’re enjoying them as much as I like mine. 
hi @fast 

i have to say that i love this speakers and without regret that i bought it.  The speakers now fully broken in and it sounds much smoother.  Very airy and wide soundstage.  The sounds always seems like its coming from the center and wider across the room elsewhere.   Excellent holographic images.   Also the speakers works well with all types of songs, from classical, jazz, instrumentals, rock, pop, even raps and most importantly it doesn’t colors the sounds.   Very neutral tonality.  
I also compared it to the Rogers LS3/5a and although the LS3/5a has so much hype but its no where near the Ref5 (of course they’re not in the same category for comparison).  

I love it... i always look at it while listening and its just so beautiful to look at.  :)) 

how about u? Have u acquire any new speakers??