Opinions on Rega Apheta 3 or 2?

I recently got a good deal on a Rega Planar 8 and I'm now looking to outfit it with a cartridge. The guy who sold me the turntable has suggested Clearaudio Charisma v2 or  ZYX R100 Yatra H. Due to Rega not having a VTA adjustment, I'm leaning towards the Apheta line instead. Has anyone had any experience with any of the mentioned cartridges and I'm also welcome to other recommendations. I have a tavish adagio for a phono stage and both my my preamp and amp are tube based.    
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You can purchase shims/spacers for Rega tables that assist in changing VTA.  I have two P9's with Ortofon MC cartridges and use Acoustic Signature spacers with good results.

I am running an Apheta 2 on an RP10 and it's very good but if I weren't buying one at a discount with the player I'd buy something else.

Lyra or Dynavector at similar price points will best the Apheta - I was running a Lyra Delos prior to the Apheta and it worked amazingly well.  I would highly recommend trying one if it's within in your budget constraints.
Glad to hear, that third party options are great. There is a pretty good deal on a slightly used ZYX R100 and I might go with that. I also saw on the Rega website that they discourage shims and VTA adjustments don't make that much of a difference.   
Why do you want an MC cartridge? 
Owned several very expensive ZYX like Airy III and Premium 4D i ended up with MM and MI cartridges and with your tonearm/turntable it can be better. The problem with ZYX is retip, cartridge has sealed boby. My advice is to stay away from the ZYX, there are better MC if you looking for MC only. 
I'm not married to MC. I currently have a Clearaudio Virtuoso (MM) which I actually like. I'm open to any cartridge that can bring out the best in the new TT. That said, I'm also curious about MC because I have never used one.