Been away for awhile and need some help

Hello guys. I've been out of audio and HT for a couple of years. During this time I've relocated from Texas to Virgina and am in the process of closing on a new house with most of my stuff currently in storage.

My speakers (in storage) are a pair of Klipsch Cornwall III's, Klipsch KLF-C7 and a SVS sub. Big speakers and big sub. Problem is they're too big for our new home. I plan to install in-walls for surrounds, but we have built in shelving in the front so I will be limited to book shelve speakers for mains. Something that will fit between the bottom of the TV and the top of the fire place mantle for a center and between shelves for mains.

I don't have exact measurements yet, but I know I'll be limited to about 20" width for the mains (shelves are adjustable so height will not be an issue).

My SVS is one of the big cylinder units and I'm going to have to do something different here as well. The bottom of the cabinet is enclosed with doors. Do you guys think I can install something here that will work with the doors closed or am I going to have to up them up whenever I use the sub?

So with these limitations I wanted to get some suggestions for three good front speakers, two in-wall surrounds and a sub. I'm not shooting for really high end stuff, but for something that leans more toward the HT requirements that will also have good audio performance. Been an Audiophile for too long to totally give it up. :-)

Like I said, it's been awhile so I was hoping you guys can give me a starting point. BTW, I don't really have a firm budget in mind, but I'll probably have to get rid of my Klipsch and sub which will finance the new speakers.

Thanks so much.
You might find a local Focal dealer and listen to the Dome system. It's not cheap, but would give you a lot of install options and really sounds good. I did an in home demo with the subwoofer and it really did well. It may not be what you're wanting, but take a look.
i don,t think the subs in a wall cabinet will work too well. and most bookshelf speakers now sit on stands and not really on bookshelves. but you won,t know til you try various placement. maybe someone here who actualy uses bookshelf speakers on bookshelves can tell you a brand designed for this. i am curious myself.