which car is sitting in your listening room?

Hello all!

given the expense competent, high value, upper range performing, top flight, and no holds barred SOTA audio systems costs  lately, which car in terms of your ssystems  overall retail price  is waiting for you to rev its engine the next time you fire it up in your listening room?

Ford Escort, Toyota Corolla, Chrysler Mini Van, Camaro Z28, BMW M series, Dodge Viper,Tesla, ‘Vette, Lambo, McClaren, or Bugatti?

Or… ?

where-ever your audio system lands price wise, you choose the relative cost equivalent vehicle as it is now, and or which one you hope to eventually have on the ‘show room’ floor.


as for Mr. Shelby… saw a Netflix Doc on him called Shelby American last night. very good! it revealed every nook and cranny Carrol ventured into. including his stint with Aston Martin as their #1 driver, and his eventrual disgust and feud with Enzo F.

curiously, if his venture as a chicken farnmer had proven worthy and he had not lost everything and needed a new path to make money, who knows if he would have kept on his ideas for motor sports racing?


all too soon Carrol Shelby’s failing heart put him out of racing, at least as a driver..

the cobra became his ambition to depose Ferrari and Chevy;s Corvette. although his 289 V8 Cobra blew it off the Ricverside race track and had it down by 3 laps before he blew off an axle and lost.

ala the Cobra applied the theme he had learned and used to win so many races with Aston Martin novel idea of weight to HP ratio. in fact he got frames from them for his new ‘super car’.

as well, given fate has many faces and detours, if Lee Iacoca then with Ford and he had not hit it off, and his cobra venture not been successful, the Ford GT 40 would not have come about and later on unseated Ferrari at Le Mans.

the 427cid ford motor was not the first power plant for the GT40 as I recall.

the funniest part of the doc was how Carrol who was the winningest road racer in the early fifties in the world, was ‘in’ with all theCar mags then. once his first and then, only 289 V8 cobra was ready for trials he had one after another car mag/tester come out to drive it. it was thereafter repainted for each magazine review so every car rag saw a different color and hence thought he had many models. lol

shelby’s success was the direc t result of him surrounding hinmself with some exceptional people like Mickey Thompson and Bob bondurant who drove for him.

like some of the pundantws in this past time’s manufacturring and design process the cream often takes more than time to raise to the top.

I/ll revise the ‘car’ cost equivalant currently residing here… its between a ’62 Dodge Dart and a ’67 Ford Falcon Sprinbt perhaps.

BTW A friend of mine just acquired a McClaren. had to sell one of his other cars to get it,his Vette I’nm pretty sure. . whoa.
There is another failed ex-chicken farmer, who became, well ...not famous, but quite infamous.
the only other quite noteable former chicken rancher that comes to mind was Heinrich Himmler. .

well him and my Aunt Doretta., although she did not have the infammy Hmmler did, but she had way more birtds!

funny thing... Alfred Hitchcok's 'The birds' was on TV and I watched it.

two dayhs later while visiting my aunt's hone later and not knowing she had a going chicken farm I ventured  out to the enormous barn and slowly eased the door open.. suddenly 6 0,000 chickens errupted in unison!

for a kid of 9 years old, this was more than a startling event! I slammed the door shut an ran back into the house.

apart from a dozen or so loose wandering birds on the grounds one would never suspect so many birds could have possibly been there.