Help- audiophile husband just dies

Help- audiophile husband just died 

Can anyone recommend a person in the Philadelphia area to come look at my deceased husbands audio collection. Tune amps, headphones, gold cables ... I need to sell and want decent advice. Please email
I don’t really know how to use this forum so email best if ya have any advice. Thank you! Julie

Sorry for your loss Julie. 

If I were you, I'd contact the Philadelphia Audio Society.  I don't have any personal experience with the group, but if they're still active (it looks like much of the web presence is a bit dated), then presumably they've got enough sense of community that they'll help you without trying to steal valuable equipment at a fraction of its value.

I'll also respond via e-mail...

Not a bad idea either. Like you said, I wouldn't want somebody taking advantage of this situation.
First thing that needs to be done is to document everything in the collection, than it could be researched.

Take a picture of all the equipment & make sure to get the name brands of them in the picture & post them in the forum.
You can upload pictures from your phone to & then just copy the links to them here.
Julie, if you do find out the brands and models of the gear in the collection, you can put that information in and see what recent sale prices have been. also has a bluebook option you can buy that offers similar functionality.