Paradigm Persona 5F

I am considering purchasing a pair of Paradigm Persona 5Fs.  I’ve spent sometime listening to them, on a couple occasions, and have the opportunity to audition them in my listening room.  I’d like to know what others think of them, especially owners, but all comments welcome. 
I have a pair and really enjoy them. As mentioned do better with warmer electronics.  I am moving into a dedicated space in the next few mos and will see how they really shine
Here is a recent review

I responded to the dealer, but never heard back.  I like them, but find the high end a bit too bright, and they can't match the upper/mid bass of my KEF 205s.  So the search goes on!
Delphi the Paradigms are a way better loudspeaker than the Kef 205 we had both, the difference is the Kef 205 is much more forgiving and in particular the 205/203/207 had a slightly more colored midrange that was in fact quite beautiful.

If you heard the Paradigms at many dealers they might sound really poor unless they were really dialed in correctly, if you heard them at your place the other issue might be that your gear which works wonderfully well with a warmer loudspeaker the Kef 205 would probably not work well with the Paradigms.

If you let us know your room size, matching equipment, musical tastes we can give you a recommended loudspeaker that might work for you.

However, the newer Kef line Ref 3 are similar and sound dramatically better in all ways over the 205.2 that you have, however the midrange on them too will be a bit more neatural, but overall you will hear the similarities.

Also as noted kef is running a close out special on Ref 3 and 5 in rosewood and walnt that makes them espeically tempting.

If you are in our neck of the woods or can fly into our shop we have the entire Kef Reference line on display as well as most of the Pardigm Persona line as well plus a lot of other great loudspeakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Kef Ref and Paradigm Persona dealers
The AKM dac chips are a great match for the Personas. Stay away from the Sabre Dacs as they are tend to lean on the highly detailed/edgy with neutral electronics and a very revealing speaker.

the Persona midrange is their strength....