Speakers after GMA Europas

Hello everyone,

I had to sell my gear about a year ago to finish up grad school and I want to start building my setup again simply because I miss it so much. My current budget is about $2500 for both speakers and amp but do not know where to go. I had the GMA Europas which I loved and cannot decide what to replace it with.

What would you suggest for both speakers and amp?
I agree that some more info is needed about the OP's room, as well as his priorities when it comes to sound. I'm with Shakeydeal - while the Vandys are great speakers for the money, I think they're outclassed by GMAs. In my experience, the first-order crossover of a GMA is of a much higher quality than the crossover in the Vandersteen 2s - the dynamics and detail are on a different level. If that's what the OP liked about the Europas, maybe he needs to stick with his original brand. In my experience, the GMA trebles also outclass the Thiels and Meadowlarks, as good as those latter brands are.
Dunlavy Audio Laboratories SC-IV Loudspeaker Specifications

Power Handling: Peak 250W for 10ms, average (pink noise) 25W. Recommended amplifier power: minimum 100W into 8 ohms. Recommended listening distance 8'-25'.
I used to own Vandie 2 sig and had 3 sig in my room for two weeks. The Callistos are better as far as resolution, imaging, dynamics and soundstaging. Like shakydeal said almost like a balnket was over the Vandies compared to the Callistos. Everything sounds listenable and creamy over the Vandies though..if you have lesser electronics that is the way to go...
Heard the Europas at a friends house, almost the same as the Callisto for less $$
Hard to argue with the above suggestions...and yes the Vandys are not a "shock and awe" speaker...but they dont need a sub...and they do grow on you...especially if you enjoy vinyl....hard to find a truly full range speaker that does very little wrong...happy xmas
Yes, the vandersteens really do no wrong and are a nearly full range speaker. But I need more resolving power than they can provide. GMA speakers just rock my boat.
