Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?

A friend has loaned me the Nordost Valhalla I and II as well as Nordost Frey 2 cables. They are wonderful speaker cables but do emphasize the "brightness" of my system including my Wilson audio Sahsa 2 speakers.

Any suggestions? Would used Transparent cables provide a richer bottom end? What about Audience Reference?

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. - Thank you - Gerry
I’ve also fought against overall brightness with metal domes and DAC direct into SS amp, and had Eclipse 7 speaker cables before upgrading to Cardas Clear. Either could work for you. The eclipse had more dynamics and midbass, but the Clear is just better overall and not bright nor dull. The treble is really extended and clean and it has great low bass. The eclipse had a slight hardness or glare in the low-mid treble which became obvious in comparison.

Honestly, I would suggest trading out that Vahalla PC for a Cardas Clear which I also have on my ML 532H amp. You may lose a little in clarity, but man, what you will gain in terms of system balance. This trade will actually earn you money. At a recent audio show, I noted that Cardas Clear was a very popular choice.
I've never liked Transparent, but have only a couple short experiences in showrooms. Good Luck!
Going from some generic twisted copper cables without terminators to a $2000+ per meter speaker cable is quite a jump. You should experiment more in the low end before you take the plunge. Who knows you might find something you like along the way.

Like others have mentioned I would avoid all plated cables for now and stick with pure copper. All of the plated speaker cables I tried either sound too bright or harsh with my system (YMMV). I would also try some solid core cables instead of the usual stranded construction. Get a pair of the Audioquest Type 4 "no frills" cables audioadvisor sells and see what what you think. For me they improved the bass and low end punch vs a simple twisted stranded pair. They also had a pleasant midrange and I didn’t notice significant brightening in the treble.

Considering the amount you are willing to spend trying it should be a no brainer. You can get an 8 ft pair with bananas for $110 shipped. Then if you like it work up the Audioquest solid line. They should have the same voice.|492|494|498

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I'll add a third recommendation for Analysis Plus Cables . In searching for cables I first looked for a company with Proof of function and genuine science and engineering . And yes, I was impressed NASA chose their speaker cables for a special project they had .
 After that I saw AP's solo crystal interconnects were most highly recommended and their silver oval 2 speaker cables as well as the larger big silver oval speaker cables had highest approval . I do not find their silver speaker cables bright with my open baffle Spatials and the solo crystal ic's are just magical . That does it for me . I cannot imagine better than what I have now for cables . BTW , balanced connections with XLR are the future of high-end sound , IME . Pro level . I don't believe in using cables for tone control .
Best new price can be found here :
cguitargear777  vendor on EBay    Used can also be found in the usual places .