Rockport Altair version 2 ?

I was reading on Ultimate Audio that there is a Rockport Altair version 2 which includes the new Berylium tweeter and a revised bass driver? Does anyone know any information?

Any thoughts on the soft dome ring radiator tweeter versus the berylium?
Yeah I'll give Andy a call. I've been very curious about Andy's berylium tweeter when he came out with the 2 way floorstander at CES last year. I'm a fan of the soft dome Scanspeak revelator since I probably sit a bit closer to the speakers than optimal (my speakers on on the long wall), and wondering if the Berylium tweeter would give out more energy than the current one. I'm of course stereotyping here (soft dome = less energy, metal = more).

Berylium tweeter, a modified one, coming from Scanspeak, will be on Altair 2 and Arrakis 2.
The new Alya will also have this tweeter.

