Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Andrew Robinson has recently posted that he will soon be reviewing a Pendragon Theater system. Outside of this thread, he has been my go-to source for information on Tekton speakers.
Steve Guttenberg just posted his review of the Enzo: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13645_3-57582778-47/tekton-enzo-a-strong-contender-for-speaker-of-the-year/?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=TheAudiophiliac
I don't know if it is a full and complete review or just the beginning, albeit a very substantial introduction, but Andrew Robinson's review of the 7.2 Tekton Pendragon Theater System is now up. I recommend the video clip he incorporates into the review for anyone jumping over to read his thoughts.

Unlike every review on any piece of equipment I have every read, he doesn't actually spend any time discussing specific movies or music. He does spend time discussing the application of this kind of system to one's own room, including noteworthy comments about the challenges using the surrounds might pose and a brief evaluation of the sub-woofers performance, or slightly lack thereof.

I know this is raising the thread from the dead, but does anyone have experience with the M-Lores (or Lores) with Peachtree products? I'm very highly considering an M-Lore/Decco65 combination.
My brother has M-Lores with the original Peachtree Nova and likes it very well. But he streams through an unmodified Airport Express using the optical to connect to the Nova's DAC. This is also his first audio system and does not have points of comparison other than having heard my much more $$$ system with Lores in a much more acoustically suitable and treated room.