Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Great review Ballywho!!! The Lore is surely a pleasant surprise! Please check out my P-dragon write up in the review forum
the proper question, utahusker would be,,, what did you do with the "best speaker ever , end all , im off the merry-go-round ,no need to go any farther in the quest for the perfect speaker , i found the perfect speaker and , can you beleive?? for under 1 grand , that sounds better then 5 -10 times it cost speaker "??!! (wushhhh) Great question utah , what did he do with them ??? and,,, how much did he get for them .I would luv to know why he got rid of them . Gpowered ....pleeeese enlighten us.
CWazz sure has a way w/ words. Charlie - glad you chimed in because I wanted to let you know I tried an Adcom amp with the Pendragons, and I could not believe how much better of a match my 12 watt Xindak EL84 amp is! In fact, the 12 watt tube amp is giving me much better bass than the 150 watt Adcom and no doubt a much sweeter sound in the mid range and top end. I am now fully inclined to tell you that your Counterpoint amp is likely the issue!

These speakers will play nice and loud with transistor but really come into their own w/ tubes!

See the reviews section of this site and you will know what happen to my Lores - I jumped on the P-dragons while Eric had the intro price on. I am thrilled I did.