High output MC cartridges

I'm looking to replace my MI cartridge with a HOMC cartridge.
I've narrowed it down (price/output mV) to either the Dynavector 20x2 MC, or, the Sumiko Blackbird MC .
Before I take another plung .... I thought I'd run it by the AG community to see if anybody out there has experience comparing these two offerings?
The only HOMC cartridge I’ve ever particularly enjoyed was the Benz H2. However, compared to it’s own low output sibling it rather fell through.

If the money were mine and for some reason I didn’t want to buy a SUT and an LOMC instead, I’d much rather buy a top flight MM. The truly excellent and much lauded Goldring 1042 can be had from Juno records in London for £200 (vs $575 from LP Gear), which is an absolute steal. Alternatively I’d aim for an Audio-Technica VM760SLC, VM750SH or VM740ML.

<<I think there is only one reason people buying HOMC cartridges, the reason is the phono stage that can’t handle LOMC.

But if they got a decent MM phono stage to handle MI then a decent SUT (or headamp) will help to handle some decent LOMC with the same phono stage.>>

On the other hand, KLCB would lead to GECB.  Maybe better to try POMC first, then decide whether to TUDA.
mijosty, I was just wondering what your qualifications are? Don’t get your dander up, no one’s trying to accost your sensibilities, it’s a question.

It’s like this, your average slob doesn’t even know there are MM and MC cartridges, let alone know "High Output MCs have a large coil structure to produce an output, leading to a high mass situation. Moving iron cartridge has perhaps the lowest moving mass of all resulting in instant transient response" .... Obviously you have insight on the subject of phono cartridges. I was just wondering how deep you go???

As for your Grado suggestion I’ll pass, Grado + Rega + Oracle = hum. I liked the Grado, minus the hum, but I liked my Grace F9 better.

So the reasons for a HOMC are several. One, MI on my system have hummed. Two, my tube pre-amp has a 47k Ohm RIAA phono stage, no go zone for LOMC’s. Now .... as for the Soundsmith Zephyr 2???

What do you know about the Soundsmith Zephyr II mijosty/anybody? (now the Zephyr III)/. BTW, why the Zephyr mijosty, and why not the Aida?

Grado + Rega + Oracle = hum. I liked the Grado, minus the hum, but I liked my Grace F9 better.

My Grado is dead quiet just like any cartridge from my big collection of Grace. If you like F-9 then LC-OFC versions of the F14 and LEVEL II is the way to go.

So the reasons for a HOMC are several. One, MI on my system have hummed.

You know why?

Two, my tube pre-amp has a 47k Ohm RIAA phono stage, no go zone for LOMC’s.

Most LOMC are fine with 47k Ohm, all you need is much more gain

The Zephyr was in your price range. The Grado is not humming because of your system. It is humming because it does not like your turntable. Get one with a DC motor or far outboard motor. I have zero experience with Soundsmith cartridges but plenty with Grado's. The Ref 2 is a noticeably better cartridge than the Ortofon 2M Black to which I have compared it. It is also twice the price. I have not compared it to other MM cartridges. 
Horny guy, get another Grace F9 and save yourself the indigestion. My ability comes from a great education, a questioning mind and experience.
It bothers me that you do not understand the relationship of mass to inertia. Are our high schools really failing our kids that badly?