Schitt Yggdrasil Vs. Bluenode 2i (Shock!)

I am having a bit of a dilemma. I recently added a Node 2i to my setup to be used primarily as a streamer. My digital rig consists of
- Amp: Rogue Stereo 100 (GE and Amperex Nos tubes)
- Preamp: Primaluna Evo 100 (GE and RCA cleartops Nos tubes)
- DAC: Latest model of Schiit Yggdrasil
- Speakers: Monitor Audio Platinum 100 II
- Analog & digital Interconnects: Audioquest Silver Extreme
- Speaker cables: Audioquest Rocket 44
- Power cables are all stock, and no attention has been paid to power supply

I had been pretty satisfied with my setup after breaking in the Yggy; I subsequently added the Node 2i and was using it as a dedicated streamer and never bothered using it as a DAC. A buddy of mine who is contemplating the node 2i came over and I offered to use the Node DAC on my system so he could get a sense of the performance. I was initially pleasantly surprised by how good it sounded, but the shock came when I started doing A/B comparisons with the Yggy and I honestly could not hear the difference between the 2 DACs. I subsequently spent the last few days comparing them and I still can't discern a difference. So my question is
- Is the Node 2i just that good?
- Or is my system not transparent enough to highlight the difference?
- Or are my ears are just not sensitive enough to pick up the difference?
- Do I need to invest in more expensive power cables and supply?

I'm interested to hear from others who have had experiences with these DACs or similar, because I'm seriously contemplating putting my Yggy up for sale.
Ag insider logo xs@2xarize84
Thanks for the responses. My schiit is definitely broken in, I have had it a few months and have never turned it off; I also listen to it everyday. I think lowerrider57's suggestion to look at the coax cable is a good place to start. I also believe that the tube preamp adds a lot of its own character to the sound which probably blurs the difference in SQ between the sources. When I connect the Node directly to the power amp, the sound quality/signature is very different (read worse) than going through preamp. I would be appreciative to get some recommendations for coax cables under ~$300. 
Your tube components may be colouring the sound, but that’s not the issue. And byw, the Node can’t be hooked up to drive a power amp, it has the correct voltage to be used with a preamp.

For digital coax cables, try auditioning one from a dealer that has a trial period or return policy.
I have used Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme...

Also Acoustic Zen and have heard good reports about Black Cat Cables.

I have a different experience. When I plugged my new Chord Qutest DAC into my Node2i, I found that the SQ improved a lot. Bass is much better and cleaner.  There is more rhythm to my music. Everything just comes alive.  The rest of my system is not as nice as yours so maybe that's why Qutest was able to improve the SQ significantly.

Sonus Faber Venere 3.0
Parasound P5
Parasound A23
Audioquest Carbon Toslink (from Node2i to Qutest)
Nordost Blue Heaven RCA (from Qutest to P5)

If I may, why are you using optical rather than S/PDIF coax to your Chord?

"...the Node can’t be hooked up to drive a power amp, it has the correct voltage to be used with a preamp...."

Not completely true, depending on the input voltage sensitivity of the amplifier. It (2V) can drive most amplifiers to full output. Furthermore, you can control the volume, as well as bass and treble, if so desired, from the BlueOS app.