Phonostage Recommendations for my PS Audio + Thiel setup

Hello Everyone,

I am in the market for a phonostage. My setup is a PS Audio BHK 250 Amp, BHK Signature Preamp, Direct Stream Jr DAC, MoFi Ultradeck w/mastertracker cart(MM) and Thiel 3.7 speakers. I live in a pretty rural state and I don't have any practical options for auditioning gear. I am open to any options and recommendations. PS Audio just released a new phono stage at about $2500 so that would be the absolute max I would be willing to spend.

Any recommendations out there? Anyone with PS Audio, Thiel or MoFi experience have an opinion? I appreciate the help. Thanks

Thank you for the advice. Is there a domestic dealer you recommend for Gold Note? Do they let customers have in home demos?

Thank you for the tip. I will dig in on that model and do some research.

I appreciate the recommendations from everyone. Keep them coming.
@bighempin Sorry to mislead you... I was getting gear at 60% *of* retail, so 40% off.  HPS implied that the discount was going up now that they were liquidating, but I never checked.