John Hiatt's Slow Turning--Tidal Version

I just finished listening to John Hiatt's Slow Turning recording three ways through my server/streamer: (1) the 1988 A&M ripped CD (WAV); (2) the 1999 MoFi Remastered CD ripped (WAV); and (3) the hi-res (24/96 FLAC) version via Tidal. The Tidal version is significantly different than the two CDs. Among other things, the Tidal version has the channels switched when compared to both the previously mentioned CDs. If someone can point me to how I can determine which remastered version of Slow Turning is on Tidal I would appreciate it. Frankly, I like the Tidal version better than the other two--which is not typical for me. Thanks in advance.
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By Tidal I assume you mean the MQA version?
I have found that on quite a few albums that just the conversion to MQA renders them different to remastered in other formats. Some are subtle and some not quite so subtle!

A truer test maybe to listen to it in hires via Qobuz, this is more true to life 24/96 without the MQA algorithms at work.

Only info I could glean on Tidal was it was the original 1988 subjected to the MQA process.
@uberwaltz Thank you. What you gleaned is helpful. I don't have MQA but I know that Tidal does the first unfold without the need for MQA capable equipment.