Why a separate DAC?

Hello, I have a 3 yr old Yamaha CD player with Burr Brown DAC chip. What are the advantages of having a separate DAC? What would you recommend to compliment and upgrade this for under $1,500? Thank you.

I agree with adg101 - digital is now as good as the best analog. If you want to spend $1,500 for an upgrade - please boost it to $2,000 and buy a LUMIN D2. I have been streaming a LUMIN D1 for over 4 years. I use Tidal HiFi as my source - once MQA encoding came out I am amazed at the sound quality. I control Tidal on my I pad mini and the available music is overwhelming. My Tidal subscription is $25 per month.

i have just upgraded my CD player to a Yamaha CD S2100 - a great improvement on my Marantz UD 7006. I have a large CD collection and it sounds better. The Yahama has a better DAC and great build quality.

please try streaming! LUMIN has mated the DAC to a computer and done all the hard work for you. MQA digital files will amaze!

Happy listening!
Because DAC tech has advanced very quickly. DSD/MQA/HiRes DAC was not available 10 years ago.
A BLIND 10 DAC TEST will be performed Saturday August 24th, 11-3pm
at Acoustic Designs in Scottdale, Arizona courtesy of the Arizona Audio
Video Club. $10 admission.

  • Schiit =  Yggdrasil
  • Chord = Hugo TT
  • Benchmark = DAC3
  • iFi Audio =  Pro iDSD
  • PS Audio = DirectStream DAC
  • Holo Audio = Spring DAC2
  • Jolida =Glass FX DAC + FOZ unit
  • NuPrime = Evolution DAC
  • L.K.S. DAC = MH-DA004
  • Line Magnetic =Latest model ? if it arrives on time.
Priced from $1,000 to $6,500. Most $2-$3k.
Attendees will hear them blind 3 played thru SAE amp.Preamp
and Focal Sopra 3s in a custom built Room holding 20 people
per session. RSVP @ AZAVClub.com.

You are Invited!!!
My own view on the seperste DAC issue is that a lot of it comes down to the resolution and character of the set up you have - particularly speakers. When people like the audiophillac say that a pair of $100 pioneer speakers and a nad integrated sound enjoyable, they arent wrong, they are just fine not hearing every detail. The more resolving your system, the more the purity of the source matters. I have never heard the Fritz Carbon 7 MkII s so I couldnt tell you my opinion on the value add with them. I recectly purchased a PS audio DSJ after auditioning that, a gain cell by PS and a Yiggy by Schiit. In my setup each sounded different. PS and Schiit both offer demos fwiw. Best of luck -