What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcarey1110
The best I've heard are Spectral and Ayre. Spectral does require MIT cable, or you will break things, but properly set up is sublime!
I find it bizarre that someone would trust people with limited experience over dealers with decades of experience owning scores of high end products.
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I heard the Wilson Sasha DAWs with ARC M160 amps and an ARC Ref 10 pre-amp at a local dealer. I was impressed with what I heard.  I didn't go into the dealer to hear either the amps or the speakers. I went in to hear a turntable setup and the Wilson/ARC pairing is what they hooked the vinyl rig up to--I left liking the speakers/amplification combo a great deal. I suggest you hear that combination if at all possible since you are open to owning tube amps. If you can listen to the D'Agostino's too, that would be great. (The dealer I was at also carried that line of products.)Enjoy your quest.
Astewart, there is no doubt that should be an excellent combo you are talking a $30k preamp and a $30k pair of amplifiers, that is a $60k for the electronics add in a good set of interconnects and power cables and you are way up there in terms of price so yeah that combo should sound really good.

We are suggesting a $23k intergrated amplifier which sounds about 80% of the companies $40k separates. 

So aside from just sound quality you have that issue of how much do I want to spend to accheive great sound?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
My introduction to Wilson Sabrinas was with Audio Research. During subsequent auditions, the DAW were in their high end room with Audio Research 160 monos, Ref 10 pre, and dCS Vivaldi . My last audition included an A/B with AR and Moon by SimAudio, as suggested by the dealer. I brought a second set of ears to that audition and we both agreed that the SimAudio was better. After we both stated it, the dealer commented that the SimAudio gear is a perfect pairing with Wilson Audio.

I realize this is a bit thin for reasoning, and I am still new to this hobby, but if you get the chance to audition Moon by SimAudio with your Wilson DAW, I highly recommend commend it. (I have no affiliation with any of the companies mentioned.