Anyone try Cerapucs under full range speakers?

I've been curious about trying them under my Shahinian Diapasons. I have them on a suspended floor under which is my basement. I think the weight range is correct for the Cerapucs. Would like to hear from others who've tried something like this. 
Photon, The laws of physics do not change because someone wants to sell you something. Any movement of the enclosure is distortion. The last thing you want is your enclosure bouncing around. Woofers vibrate. That is their job but unless you have a force cancelling system like the KEF Blade the woofers movement is going to translate into enclosure vibration. Putting the speaker on a spring loaded system is going to allow the enclosure to vibrate at a frequency dependent on the mass of the speaker and the stiffness of the spring. 
Most reviewers are FOS. They are being paid off in one way or another and most of them have no background in the sciences. They are English majors and Journalists. If you ask them who Isaac Newton was you will get a glazed look. 
Audiophiles are the most gullible people on earth. I include myself in that category having fallen for my share of BS in the past. If you think something is going to sound better it will. The sound of your system will change with barometric pressure and in my case humidity. You can not just plug a piece of equipment in and evaluate it in one go. You have to AB the change carefully. Some changes are obvious like going from a 50 watt AB amp to a 200 watt class A amp. Changing speakers is usually obvious. But cables, wires, and other minor filagree will be subtle if at all.
When I hear someone say the change is HUGE, incredible, catastrophic I immediately think they are FOS and dismiss anything else they have to say. 
Oh, and since when do all speaker manufacturers know what they are doing? Most of them are just trying to come up with anything to distinguish themselves from brand X. 
mijostyn - Actually that’s completely incorrect. Placing speakers on springs reduces cabinet vibration. Didn’t you watch the video? Mass-on-spring isolation systems work in both directions. Vertical and horizontal forces - regardless of their source - are reduced because the springs allow ease of motion of the speakers in the vertical direction 🔝and the horizontal plane 🔛. The vertical direction means both UP and DOWN. Ease of motion is generally accomplished by employing an iso system with very low resonant frequency Fn. That’s the physics, in a nutshell.

Also, since mass-on-spring iso systems are extremely effective as the vibration frequency increases, the spring based system is extremely effective >99.9% in reducing cabinet resonances, which will always be much higher than Fn. This means the internal wiring, crossovers and cable connectors are isolated by spring-based systems.
I didn't mean to cause a ruckus here! :-) My thinking was along the lines of the fact that my speakers are over the basement on a suspended floor. I figured spiking them to the floor (which may be optimal for a solid floor) may "enhance" the coupling to the resonating cavity below. I wondered if dissipation in this case might be a better option. I'll admit I don't know much about this! 
We call that a trampoline floor. So, in effect, you are coupling the speakers to a moving floor, a vibrating floor. Don’t worry about the cavity resonance. You have enough to worry about already.
So in this case, is spiking or decoupling the theoretically better option? (All determined ultimately by listening, of course.)