Geoffkait - right???

As my system becomes more resolving, it’s much easier to hear the results of tweaks. Since most of my IC’s are balanced, they can only be plugged in one direction. Yet, I do have S/PDIF cables that can be reversed. A Pure Note Paragon Enhanced S/PDIF has been parked in my HT system for years. I thought I’d give it a try again in my 2ch rig. There’s even an arrow for signal flow. After settling in, the music sounded pleasant, but not very engaging. So, I reversed the cable with the arrow facing the source -Voilà. Everything snapped into place. A rich, organic presentation with excellent dynamics and tone. The difference in direction was obvious. Thx to Geoffkait for recommending to try it both ways!

If your objective is to bore me to death you’re doing an excellent job.
Geoff, it might be better for you to re-read all of your 15,000+ posts if you want to bore yourself to death. That saves other contributors from chiming in.