Geoffkait - right???

As my system becomes more resolving, it’s much easier to hear the results of tweaks. Since most of my IC’s are balanced, they can only be plugged in one direction. Yet, I do have S/PDIF cables that can be reversed. A Pure Note Paragon Enhanced S/PDIF has been parked in my HT system for years. I thought I’d give it a try again in my 2ch rig. There’s even an arrow for signal flow. After settling in, the music sounded pleasant, but not very engaging. So, I reversed the cable with the arrow facing the source -Voilà. Everything snapped into place. A rich, organic presentation with excellent dynamics and tone. The difference in direction was obvious. Thx to Geoffkait for recommending to try it both ways!

When I first saw this thread's title I assumed Geoff may be the OP author. Toot your horn if you have one. Either way he always get's the show up/ participation award in my book!              
Yep, Geoff is right about a lot of his posts. It’s hard not to be right sometimes when one makes 15,000+ posts to a single Forum. 
A senile old goat finds a tin can once in a while.

Wait’ll ya get a load of how many posts I made on other forums. 🤗

Do you think these hands have been soaking in Ivory Liquid?