Rega RB300 Anti-skating problem

I have a Rega RB300 tonearm and a Grado Master Reference cartridge ,
currently the VTF is 1.6 grams and the anti-skating is set to zero .
When using Cardas records that have blank tracks the tone arm wants to move to the outer edge of the track .
This is with the anti-skating is set to zero ! if I set it to anything above it moves outward even faster .
The only way I can have the cartridge not move on the blank tracks is to set the VTF to at least 2 grams .
Checked tt ( Merrill Heirloom ) level , Checked plater level ,
the only thing I can think of is the anti-skate magnet is not working as intended ( the tonearm was re-wired ) .
Any thoughts or suggestions ?

I've been in contact with The Sound Organization , Rega Distributor ,
Tom and I both agree the anti-skating magnet
is not working as designe, but neither of us could hypothosize 
about it having 2 grams of anti-skate at zero setting and then going up from there , so he is going to have the service/support manager 
call me when they finish their inventory count .
I'll update agian after I talk to T S O again ,
meanwhile I thank all of you for your thoughts, suggestions and questions, they really inspired me to re-check , re-measure and re-test everything on the TT and the TA and my system sounds better than ever.

With all my checking , measuring and testing I discovered that my Shure
scale is .15 grams lower in reading than my digital scale or my digital scale is .15 grams higher ! 

I looked at the track list for the Hi Fi News test record ,
I will look at finding a used one on E-bay .

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If you go over to Vinyl Engine this is discussed extensively in the older Rega threads. It was advised to turn the antiskate past the #3 mark to disenguage it.
That is what I ran a RB300 at. I did rewire it with the Incognito kit.
It was done correctly. Never a problem. I have had 3 Regas all rewired.
Antiskate is most beneficial on the shorter grooves towards the spindle.
I would say over halfway into the side. It will never be exact.
The anti-skate adjustment is a sliding magnet that supposedly 
goes from 0 to 2 , where mine seems to start at 2 and go up .
Thus the problem . 
I believe that bacobits and slaw are refering to the ATF adjustment dial
witch is a spring , turning it past 3 grams disengages the spring 
and VTF is adjusted solely with the balance weight .
How do you guys test your settings ?