Carver Crimson 275 tube amp

I have searched for owners' impressions of this amp, but have found none.  I have never owned a Carver component, but have always admired his genius.  I would like to pair a tube amp with my Spatial Audio M3 Triode Masters and recently heard Don Sachs Kootenay KT88 amp, along his bespoke preamp, and was extremely impressed.  Compared to my Platinum-upgraded McCormack DNA .05 ss amp, the sound was even more fleshed out and 3-dimensional.  The SQ difference was far from subtle... and I loved it.   

I was clear with Jim Clark when I ordered the amp that the comparison of the Crimson 275 would be to the Kootenay so if I don't think it is the equal of it, I will return it.  Stay tuned for my listening impressions in a couple of weeks.  
Very impressive response and I look forward to hearing the amp at APXONA later this week.  Two points of contention.   Don's amp is a bespoke amp handcrafted from stem to stern in British Columbia, with components sources worldwide, the best components possible at real world prices.   Second, if the bias setting on the 275 as stable as you say, then that is quite fine and takes out most of the PITA fiddliness of lots of tube amps.  In contrast, Don's amp has auto-biasing circuitry, but does not warrant the tubes in the same fashion you do, which is quite remarkable.  Frankly, for me, I will never buy another amp, not that I can imagine doing to now, that does not incorporate auto-biasing.  

I am huge fan of the KEF Blades and I am very impressed that the Crimson amp drives them splendidly, as you have said.   I can't wait to hear them at Axpona later this week! 
Thanks Frank. Looking forward to Axpona this weekend my friend. Stop and meet Frank in room 1215. He's been in the Hi Fi business since 1969. He has lots of stories about the product designs and launches of many of our favorite vintage brands and models. He's never at a loss for words and is fun to be around. Frank has seen all the industry changes and has interesting perspectives.
Jordon Gerber will be there. He can answer any technical questions absolutely, down to the physics level. Looking forward to meeting some forum members!
@whitestix - So what was your impression of the Crimson 275 @ Axpona?  I am interested in both Don Sach's Amp and the Crimson so very curious on your opinion of both.

I'm terribly interested too! As an experiment, we tried the 275 on the Amazing Line Source loudspeaker which has a sensitivity of 82 or 83. At home, I use the 350s and wouldn't mind more power when I'm really cranking. I'm going to bring in a set of Silver seven 900s but that's one of the luxuries of owning the company-- getting samples I could not ordinarily afford. Now get this:

75% of the time, we were using the 275 and only announced it after playing. I also played the Bass and Drum intro from Nils Lofgren LOUD! In a normal-sized room, the 275 will actually drive the loudspeaker impressively.

I most humbly respect and welcome your feedback.
I got to the Carver room at Axpona and visited with Frank for just a moment, a real swell guy.  During my visit, the 350's were driving the speakers so I never got to hear the 275, but as Frank says, they are voiced to sound very similar.  The fit and finish on the amps were top notch.  I have shared my comments on Dan Sach's amp above and could not make a meaningful comparison as the Line Source speakers have quite a different sonic presentation than my Spatial Audio speakers.