Who makes this Pre-amp?

Octal based 6NS7 or 12NS7, 4 inputs, 2 outputs, tube rectified, point to point wired with top shelf parts. Remote control, at least volume control is a must. One balanced input and one balanced output a plus. HT by-pass is not necessary. Dual mono would also be nice but not necessary.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
04-04-2019 10:59am, I wrote: “Doug Sachs preamps include PCB’s..”

I meant to write: “DON Sachs preamps include PCB’s..” (emphasis added) 

I hate getting names wrong, so I apologize to Don for having done so here.
Cary Audio SL-P 05 might satisfy what you are looking for. I have one and has great SQ. 
If I recall correctly I seen a few used TRL Dude preamps that had an option volume control along with the core requirements you laid out. There are a number of rightly regarded members praise it somic capabilities..