Suggestions on a home theater processor?

Any recommendations for a surround sound processor for strictly home theater use 5.1? I'm thinking of getting the new Rotel RSP-1570. Anyone have any positive or negative comments on this unit or suggestions towards a different company's product? I'm trying to stay under $3,000. Thanks
For a home theater, you should really consider the Onkyo/Integra processors which are excellent home theater units....or wait for the outlaw 997 (like many of us are doing). The advantage of the Onkyo/Integra units is that they have built in Audyssey capability and that really does make a significant difference in the sound in YOUR room...because it tunes the sound to YOUR room. The Rotel unit doesn't have this capability...
Another unit that you must consider is the soon-to-be-released UMC-1. Surf on over to the website and see what all the fuss is about. Pair the UMC-1 with an Oppo BDP-83 and you will have a world-class home theater front-end for under $1200. Seriously.

Hmmm....I forgot about the UMC-1. I've been waiting for the Outlaw 997 because I admit, I am tantalized by Trinov sound processing capabilities.

Now you have me thinking. I already own an Audyssey MultiEQ Pro unit ($2500) and I need a more current processor (I currently use a Lexicon DC-2). My needs are modest; I need to get as good sound as possible from FIOS and I need to be able to decode the latest codecs on blurays (and some older DVD's).

I wonder if the UMC-1 would be a good (and inexpensive) replacement...perhaps even an upgrade in many ways from the Lexicon. The only thing I'd lose is logic 7...I wonder if that's a problem.

The rest of the system is almost overkill....An NHT Power5 amp driving NHT 2.9's and an AC-2 in front, M5's at the side & back, a James EMB-1200 sub and the Audyssey unit to help tune my system to my (too live) room.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Well, only problem is Emotiva putting off releasing the UMC for software bugs. This has gone on for over a year. Many people gave up and went elsewhere. I am holding on for a little while longer and then may jump ship and get the Onkyo.