Do you listen to equipment or music.

This Blog got me to thinking about the subject:;postID=191909277...
In the past I have spent hours listening to the same part of the same song just to fine tune various components of the of the audio system. I even move speakers and listen - move them again and listen more. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing. Whatever it is, when I get into this mode, I am not listening to the music.  It would be nice how the community feels about listening to music or equipment.
Hi everyone, 
my name is josh. It’s been 9 months and 7 days since I last opened my “testing” playlist.
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In my case I buy equipment that I think will inprove the sound of the music in my system When that upgrade happens I listen to the music the upgrade produces not the equipment itself. 
It’s been 9 months and 7 days

Josh, give it another week and you'll be considered late term. : )
Again..tenured music lover.  As a hobby, it's natural to want to move on and "get closer" over time.  For me, the home run is the music, and no nostalgia to what gets me there.  I don't marry the gear.  I'm fully awakened when a tweak or gear improvement "freshens" your entire collection, yet again!  Nor am I saddened when things seem to get a little tired and boring.  It simply means it's time to get more creative somewhere in your system.  There is ALWAYS something one can do, even if it simply means turning your electrical panel mains and circuits on-off a couple times every 6 months.  Loudspeaker placement and DSP adjustments also can freshen everything without cost...sometimes I prefer more center-fill, sometime more depth of field or stage-width.  It's all an amazing illusion, after all, play with it!  More peace, Pin.