Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp

I have a very fine McCormack DNA .05 Deluxe amp, a Don Sachs 6SN7 preamp, driving my Spatial Audio M4 Turbo S open baffle speakers and today swapped the McCormack amp for the ST10 amp.  Right out of the box, the ST10 is quite an amazing amp.  It is very powerful and yet quite delicate in its rendering of sound. To my ears, it is somewhat tipped-up in the HF compared to the McCormack amp, and at this point seems to give up a bit of the LF rendering of the sound to the McCormack amp, but overall, it has lots of inner detail and a sublime mid-range.  It has not a bit of harshness or dryness that I have heard with earlier Class D amps... it is very musical with the sound flowing effortlessly.   I will post my impressions after it has been run-in for a week. My initial impression is that for $1600, this is a very fine amplifier.  
Right you are, Kenny.  I will run in the new amp for the requisite hours and then compare them.  I do have the S500 and like you, the black case is no bother to my eyes.  The ST10 has a main on/off switch on the back and a standby on/off switch on the front.  It is a bit of a bother having to reach to the back end to switch it on and off, but that is a trifling matter. 

I reckon in time the class D amps might be able to mimic the euphonic sound of tube amps and keep the speed and LF control.  My pal has the Nuforce/Nuprime Ref 9V3 mono blocks and for them he has retired his high end Krell amp, much preferring the REF 9.  Now, even further up the food chain of Nuprime is the Ref 18 and 20 mono blocks and I would expect that they are incrementally better than the ST10 I have.  Cheers, Mark

I can relate to you about what you are saying about the various Amp differences.

"I reckon in time the class D amps might be able to mimic the euphonic sound of tube amps and keep the speed and LF control. "

There is some of the upper models that can do this to some degree at a price.There is a very fine line in design of class d to have these kinda qualities,mainly you would have to add distortions and colorations to get those euphonic tube like qualities but then you lose clarity,detail,inner detail and the perception of speed and LF control.

Class d has certainly come a long way but I kinda look at like analog vs digital,we have had digital music for a long time know and today we have better dac's than ever but It still sounds different than analog.Now don't get me wrong I enjoy both formats equally.

Maybe It's the same with speakers,there is some qualities I like about OB's but I never have had a pair and since moving in to our smaller house I don't have the right room for them anyway or panels either.It's just a trade off I quess,no perfect speaker either but we do have some very good ones.


@whitestix So, you kept the Nuprime or Red Dragon? :)

same question for @kdude66
An update:  After a while with both class D amps, I sent them back for refund.  There seemed to be something missing in the sound of my system, and it was fully restored when I put a class A/B system.