What do you like most? Jazz or Classic?

What do you like the most, Classical Violin or Jazz Violin?
Thanks for your all of responses, I think the Asherlaub is the best violinist in rock, jazz, and hip-hop music in the USA.
I’m new to this site, so bear with me. Appears can’t add pic of album cover.

So, have you heard guitarist Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelly (how spelled on album) with The Quintet of the Hot Club of France. From 1934+, I believe style called Gypsy Jazz. My CD titled "Souvenirs" from London records. Multi CD collection also available.
Classic Jazz!! Now the recordings are old and mikes were poor then. But the Jazz jumps!!!
AdleyI agree with bdp24 that it's the music , not the instrument. Which for my taste would be jazz violin. Although the violin has not had a lot of players in jazz there have been some excellent musicians. The group String Trio of New York  had violin players Billy Bang, Regina Carter, Charles Burnham &    Rob Thomas                 in the group at various times.http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z7m6KYWDO4c

Jean Luc Ponty early in his career was in groups that played straight ahead jazz.
Mark Feldman is a jazz violinist who played frequently with John Abercrombie as well as his own solo projects.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp8SNDN3Rt4