B&W 802 N vs. D

I apologize in advance since this is probably an old question, but can someone summarize for me the differences in the sound of the 802 N and 802 D? I am wondering if the D's are worth the extra $$ they go for.
WHy do people who hate B&W keep responding to B&W threads? I will answer my own question: Most( not all) audiophiles I have met are complete geeks who can't seem to tolerate others opinions and tastes. They have the typical "small man attitude".They seem to have a real distain for many highly suscessful brands.They think they know more about engineering than the audio engineers who work for B&W, Wilson,Theil etc. but most of these audiophiles don't possess any post secondary degrees in mathematics,physics or electricity etc. They continually mouth off on the internet like spoiled brats.Yeah, basically they just sound like very highly opinionated idiots with a big yap.
THE BOTTOM LINE TO OUR B&W BASHER IS: ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS & SKY WALKER STUDIOS, THEY CAN BUY ANY SPEAKER BRAND IN THE WORLD , YET THEY USE B&W'S. Hmmm I guess your right they are slow & stoddgy & suck. Thats why they record 90% of the music you listen too!!

They are far from Dinasours living on past reputation, these peoples livelyhoods depend on their equipment in this case speakers & they choose B&W, not Focal, Wilsons, ect., ect., END OF STORY ON B&W BEING BETTERED BY MANY OTHER SPEAKERS!!

I love it you hit the nail on the head!! people who's paycheck rely on their equipment , carpenters, Studio engineers, ect. Now I would listen to their opion on equipment!

Once again I have said three times the 802d does sound about 40% better than the 802N. I would purchase 2 802ds for the front mains & the hmt2d center & be done with it. I run class D amplification to my 802ds & they sound wonderfull. Rated at 220 watts per channel continous at 8 ohms.
Diw, did you decide yet? It's a shame so many people can have so little to offer. If you like the B&W sound then the D's will sound much smooter and more open with less grain and a sweeter tone. If you want a complete overhaul then many possibilities exist that are more efficient to drive and may be more expressive at lower volume levels.
I've been thinking about what the "B&W sound" is. The folks here who think they sound slow remind of every time I've listened to the 801's (of various vintages). I always thought that was a poorly balanced speaker, with a ponderous bottom end. Maybe it was the shape of the speaker influencing my perception of the sound:) The first time I listened to 802N's, they were driven by the TACT amp and room correction system. And they were very quick. B&W may not be as transparent as Wilson's, but sound warmer (in a good way) and more natural to me. Then again, I haven't heard the Wilson 7, 8, or Sophias. But that's how I would characterize it up through the W/P6.

My Dreadnaught drives my 803's quite well, thank you. A very quiet amp, despite the distortion stats quoted.

Now how many years ago did they stop making the N series? How old would an 802N on A'gon have to be?
Does anyone here think I should be considering Revel?