SAT Comparison

MF has kindly provided unidentified needledrops of 2 new versions of the SAT arm (incl one priced at $48K).
These can be found in the latest entries on his Analog Planet web page.

Listening to the first few seconds of each track on iPad speakers I found the “winner” (for me at least...) to be “1” followed by “3” then “2” with “4” the least preferred.

Just for fun, I invited my wife, who has no audio experience or interest whatsoever, who knew nothing about the files or the hardware or anyone else’s preferences, named her order of preference as 1-3-2-4, again listening to only the first few seconds of each file. Unlike myself she didn’t need 1-3/2-3 double checks she just identified them straight off. Impressive!

I wouldn’t be so rash as to assume that “1” was the most expensive “SAT” or that “2” was the original model.
(For the sake of the expensive model I would hope so! ;)
See what you think...

It’ll be interesting to know what the wildcard “4” turns out to be...

Dear Raymonda,
Micro-differences that can be clearly heard from a few seconds exposure on an iPad at low volume?

My wife made similar observations to the detailed ones entered by Folkfreak earlier. Then she started showboating by referring to such features as the attack and decay of the instrument strings. :O

At that point my expression resembled the punchline of a Charlie Brown cartoon. LOL!!
She missed the hum that Folkfreak mentioned though....
(Maybe below the units response :D)

Shame on her....  :D :D

A small update : earlier I found that the links were not working but the reality is that they were not working at the first attempt. Persistence pays and they do indeed still work (perhaps at the 2nd or 3rd attempt) if anyone still wishes to try.