Mcintosh 452 vs Pass Labs XA 30.5

Hello everyone, I'm at the Mcintosh house and so maybe part of the answers will be taken for granted, thanks to the desire to try new devices I'm evaluating a transition from my current Final Pass Xa 30.5 to a MC452. Even the pre should be replaced by switching from an Xp10 Pass to the Mcintosh C48.
I use the Totem Mani 2, Audio Physic Scorpio 2 and Tannoy Eaton speakers in a listening environment of around 20 sqm at low and medium volumes.
I would like some advice from those who have had the opportunity to try, comparing these brands and the good interface between the coupled MC 48 and 452 and my speakers.
Thank you.
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When I talk to people about audio they often talk about emotion. So I ask them a simple question. How does the human emotion works regarding music?

And they say; I have no idea. You were talking about emotion but you can not tell me why and how it effects our emotion? And again they say; No I can’t

You cannot use words and assumptions when in real you have no idea what it means and how it works.

When you want to understand things you need to learn how it works and this comes not by it self. You need to take time to find the right information about it. The internet can give you when you want to all this information.

Sound contains of different properties. This has nothing to do with personsal taste. We are talking about facts. There is enough information about music and about sound.

In over 20 years of time I did spend a lot of time in reading about many different aspects of both sound&music. As I phoned and talked a lot with different specialists in different parts regarding audio. And I did many tests to learn how it works.

Most people who have audio as a hobby or they work in this world as I do believe that they have a lot of knowledge about audio. But when I talk to them they cannot answer almost all the simple questions about audio. Beside this they agreed that most things they say are based on information they got from distributers. Most are just assumptions. And can easily be proven by sound that they are not even true.

Most people who love audio and who work in audio are running on very thin ice. Based on the fact that even the most simple things they don’t understand.

When you want to understand and guide audio you need to understand a lot before you can manage and guide it. I wrote it many times overhere and I will say it again.

When you all are listening to your system at home you are listening to all the different properties of each single part in your system, the acoustsic and other parts like smog, magnetism and high frequent noise who negatively influence the sound and stage.

This has nothing to do with a personal taste. We have a personal taste in music. But voices and instruments are build on different properties. Again we are talking about facts. You need all the different properties of sound to be able to hear the song of the recording the way it sounded when they recorded it.

When you just focus on brands and products it is very easy to proof and show that most brands and products cannot reveal all the different properties of sound. When you let people hear with their own music a system what can reveal all the aspects of sound we see how simple it is for them to understand why this is so much more attractive and emotional to listen at.

This has nothing to do with personal taste. All different properties of sound van influence our emotion. When we let people listen to a Tru-Fi system they agree all that it is a lot more exciting and emotional then their own system.

This can be founded on facts. Because the sytem can reveal all the details and different properties of sound. This has nothing to do with personal tatse as most of you believe. I believed it as well untill januari 2016. Untill a client said; you have proven and thought me that personal taste in sound does not excist. It took him over 1 hour to persuade me.

Based on assumption I thought that I was 100% sure that audio is based on a personal taste. But the music it self is what it is. And the emotion tou can experience is founded on all the different properties it owns.

Humans can experience sound and music in a 3D spectrum. But the most audio brands and products are only able to create a 2D stage. Agaain we are talking about facts. The sound and stage proofs what you hear and how it is being projected into a room.

My clients all understand how big the diffences are between 2D audio and 3D audio. Because they all came from 2D audio, as I came form 2D audiuo as well. When you hear live music and after time you learn what 3D sound is and how it works. This is what you want. Because it makes the experience of music so much more intense and emotional.

It is not natural and it even does not make sense when audio is displayed in a 2D stage, based on the fact that we humans can experience it in a 3D stage. When we let people experience their music between a 2D and 3D system we see that they all react the same way.

Again this can be explained. Due to the fact on how our hearing and emotion works regarding music and audio. Even this has nothing to do with personal taste because this can be explained on facts and how our emotion works.

People become very personal when they read things they do not like. I understand that, but you cannot runaway from facts and things which can be explained. When you want to get to a higher level in audio sometimes tou need to learn to do things differently. When you are not open for this, you will stay where you are right now.

At the end each human being prefers a more natural and emotional sound and stage. This is what we create and how we do both sound&vision. Maybe you hear things you do not like, just be a man and take a listen. After that you can judge yourself.

We want to use conservatorium students because live music did learn me a lot about music and sound. And that is why I want to use it so other people can experience the same as I did in the past. So they will understand it as well.

I'm also interested in some first hand experience of the MC452/MC152 vs. XA series. Seems like so far it's just conflicting hyperbole of them both taking turns blowing each other out of the water. Can someone describe what the difference is that's making one better than the other? What is the key difference between the Mac and Pass house sound?

One of the things mentioned is that the Mac is slow, but from everything I've read, the MC452/MC152 generation is the fastest of the Macs...
I auditioned them both many times. I did own different XA monos in the past. When I audition the Mcintosh with my own music I always miss depth and width regarding the stage. The diversity in sound with the Pass is a lot better. It reveals also moere layers in the middle frequencies.

You never will see a show where people can hear them both wiht the same amps, sources and cables? This is how silly audio is. At the end it is all about shootout. Most are only interested in their own stuff and will not allow you to compare them.

It would be so much better if they become a lot more open and honest to audio lovers. I wrote it many times when they want to they can imply parameters. But they will not do this. They want audio to staf as fague as possible. So people have no idea about sound and music. It becomes a lot more easy to sell what they want.

They don’t care about the truth and best quality. They only focus on how much money they can make. When they want to give the audio busienss a boast they need to stop with all those lies. And create better products for customers.
Ive owned a Pass int-250, mc9000 and a luxman... The pass was the best when it came to overall sound. I liked the Ma9000 next and the Luxman 509x was crap. Sounded like cheap Yamaha gear to me. I hate the way Pass gear looks (great build but just stupid looking).  That being said I always find myself going back to Mcintosh. I LOVE the way they look, and I also love what they do with the human voice. I listen to allot of music but I also listen to a ton of talk radio and how an amp renders voices is SUPER important to me. Currently running a Schiit Frey + (spectacular preamp) with a Mcintosh mc452 into a set of JBL 4365's. And I love it.